FINA Intercontinental Cup - Volenteers Needed
As you would have heard the FINA Intercontinental Cup is coming to Perth from the 25-31 March 2019 and as such WPWA is looking for volunteers to help deliver a world class event.
Water Polo WA is looking for volunteers to pick up the following positions between the 25th and the 31st of March for the international games played in Perth.
Games would be played all day with a break in the early afternoon till 4pm ish.
Table delegate
Time keeper for game clock
Time keeper for shot clock
Table secretary
Flag person
Goal judges
Ball boys and girls
Could you please consider if you could help out and or forward this onto any of your club members who are experienced and might be interested in helping out.
Please see the Volunteers document for details.
Please express your interest if you are keen and available via email: